
Some training to help patients better use wheelchairs

2024-02-26 handler 202

1. Upper limb muscle training. Controlling a wheelchair requires greater strength in the upper limbs. You need to have relatively developed arm muscles. You can do exercises with dumbbells and chest expanders, push-ups, push-ups, etc. The key point of training is that you must use both arms. Muscle strength is basically equal, which is beneficial for wheelchair control.

2. To practice getting in and out of the wheelchair, first practice supporting the bed with both hands to lift your buttocks off the bed, and then move to the left or right.

3. Advance, retreat and turn exercises. When performing wheelchair forward and backward exercises, it is necessary that the forces on both sides are coordinated and equal, otherwise the forward and backward routes of the wheelchair cannot be in a straight line. When performing left turn exercises, the left wheel control does not rotate and the right wheel rotates. When turning right, the practice is exactly the opposite.

4. Training on ascents and descents. When training ascents and descents in a wheelchair, it is necessary to master the timing and cooperate with the application of the brakes to avoid slipping and rolling back.