
Use Skills of Wheelchairs (I) - Driving Wheelchairs

2019-03-27 handler 2062

Service personnel need to ensure that wheelchair users will drive wheelchairs and understand the precautions of wheelchairs on different roads, so as to better play the role of wheelchairs, make users more independent, and reduce the burden of nursing staff.

(3) Uphill and downhill ramps

Uphill, the trunk tilts forward and the center of gravity moves forward to prevent the wheelchair from turning backward; downhill, the trunk tilts backward and the center of gravity moves backward, so that the handring slides slowly in the hand, and when necessary, gently pulls the handring, increasing friction, to slow down the downhill speed.

(4) Overcoming obstacles

When the lower edge of the road or crossing the ditch, make the wheelchair back to the edge or ditch, and put the rear wheel close to the obstacle, lean forward as far as possible, slowly backward, turn the big wheel and the casters around the obstacle in turn.

When on the road edge, the front casters can be tilted and balanced with the big wheels (the technology of tilting the front wheels) to drive the wheelchair forward, so that the casters can lower the casters after crossing the obstacles, lean forward, and push the wheelchair handrings vigorously to make the big wheels cross the obstacles. When practicing the technique of warping front wheel, someone must stand at the back to protect it. The specific steps are as follows:

Tilt the front wheels: Push the wheelchair backwards until both hands are at 10 o'clock, then push forward quickly, you can use inertia to tilt the front wheels.

Maintain the balance of large wheels: after lifting the front wheels, turn the rear wheels in a small range to find the balance point, and use the large wheels to maintain balance.

(3) Walking after balance: After balance can be maintained, it can drive forward, turn and other actions. After learning the technology of warping the front wheel, users can lift the front wheel across the road edge, raised the ground, etc.

Warm reminder: the front wheel is difficult to operate and dangerous. The balance and physical quality of wheelchair users are required to be high. When using the wheelchair in practice, we should pay attention to safety and take good protective measures! ________

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